Monday, January 19, 2009

Picking up miles

This last week i hammered about 30 miles. I switched up some extra miles i could've posted for a different type of a workout. I got in the school's pool and ran in the pool for 40 minutes. I ran back and forth in the pool until my feet were literally raw. The skin from some old blisters tore with some new blisters causing some discomfort. I have to admit, this was a welcomed change from my typical runs. I was very sore the day after. My calves and quads were hit like they haven't been in a while. Good stuff. I also started working out in my school's dry sauna. Why? Its a great workout and I really believe it calouses you.
I have been running in my Nike pegasus on a regular basis now due to foot and shin problems that i couldn't shake while wearing brooks.
I am about 2.5 months away from my first 50 mile run and i am pretty jacked! My plan is to get at least 2 20+ mile runs and one 30 mile run between now and then. AHHHHHHH lets go!

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