Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coopers Rock round 2

I have been running on and off since the race for the diamonds on thanksgiving day. A few days ago i ran about 8 miles and felt amazing. So yesterday i hit the trails.

Well matt and i went out to coopers rock for some trail running. We had a course all mapped out so we were ready to go. Well.....we got off course twice due to bad course markings. The run was beautiful. The elevation differences were pretty dramatic as we were running. We started off running on ice, literally. With in 45 minutes the snow was gone and with in an 1hr and 15 minutes it warmed up roughly 10 degrees. We got slightly lost at one point and found ourselves on the side of a mountian overlooking a large creek.

Matt looked great tackling several hills by sprinting them as i did the truffle shuffle. It was my first double digit mile run since the marathon in early November. I have no idea how far we ran but we ran for about 2hrs 10minutes. There was a few times towards the end were i had to walk for 1-3 minutes but all in all pretty good. I used my La Sportivas with out much problem at all. In fact I may just wear them for my 50 mile run. I had a little bit of heel pain but other then that they held up great.

My quads and hip flexors where really tight due to just being fat again. In another week or two of solid running and a descent diet that will change.

"He who suffers remembers"

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