I started this blog site as a way to keep me motivated and persistant in my ultimate goal of running 100 miles straight. My upcoming race schedule looks like this:
- Nov 2, 2008 The Huntington Marathon in Huntington, Wv
- Thanksgiving day Race for the Diamonds (9 miles) in Berwick, Pa
- March 28, 2009 Bel Monte 50 mile race in Va. This run will be a potential qualifier for my ultimate race goal of 100 miles.
I am sure there will be other races between now and march, but as of now this what my schedule looks like. I am going to track my progress using this blog site. I ran dozens of 5Ks, 10Ks, 9 mile, and 1/2 marathons since the age of 12. I am 5'8" and range from 190-200lbs. I don't fit the typical "look" of a runner, heck i don't even dress like a runner when i run. I don't have Nike running shorts(I do need a pair), instead i usually wear baggy mesh shorts. I don't wear special wicked shirts. I don't have the best running shoes. I don't even own a heart monitor. I don't run for vanity or a pat on the back. What i do run for is to loose myself. There is nothing like falling into, what i can only describe as, a rhythmic meditation. I don't worry about a job, school, family, or life. I enjoy running.
After reading a book, don't roll your eyes, by Dean Karnazes I realized that I just might have the potential to forever change me. I decided to run beyond a marathon. These runs are called Ultra Marathons because the distance is anything beyond 26.2 miles. So about 3 1/2 months ago I decided to commit myself. I contacted my brother Jude, who happened to be the only person i know that ever ran an Ultra, and asked all sorts of advice. The seed was planted and now it was time to make it happen. No more short cuts, no more easy way out. If i am going to do this I have to put the time and energy into it. Well with that said, I ran my first ULTRA on OCT 6, 2008 and i posted about it as my first post which you can read below. I learned a LOT about myself past, present, and future. I can honestly say it changed me.
As i may have stated earlier the ultra running community is small but dedicated. I have found that most are intraverted but we can function in an extraverted enviroment. I have not found a nicer more friendly group of people while running, ever! So whether your running, training, looking to do either or you just want help out please do. I am always looking for advice, hoping to motivate, and constantly trying to make myself better. Please post or email me questions, comments, or concerns. I am going to leave you with a quote that is darn near every trail runners thought. I don't know who the original quote is from but it is one of my favorites. My most spiritual life changing moments have come while running, especially in the woods.
"I would rather be in the mountains thinking about GOD than in church thinking about the mountains"
Do you tape your nipples?
if not, you should start. i've heard of some horror stories about unprotected nips.
hahahahah nope. I actually used duraglide and anti chafe agent that works awesome on feet, legs, nips, and back.
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