Monday, October 13, 2008

This morning before class i hit 8 miles. I filled my water bottle with some coffee and hit pounded out a few miles. After class I hit another 4 miles. I have to be honest with you, those were my happiest miles in a while. I had the most beautiful running partner running with me, my wife. She did a great job and it was nice to talk to someone while i ran.

Last night i stumbled across a web site that amazed me. I am going to post the site. Its not very often i stumble across a site that motivates and depresses me at the same time. Motivates because i realy believe, no matter how korny this may sound, each one of us has greatness in us we just need to find it. Depressed because i realized this guy has done more in his life in such a short period of time then i may ever do. He literally does more in one day of training then i do in a week training. It is just amazing what the human body can endure and keep going. I think we have only recently to tap into the human body's potential. Reading about and listening to him is truly inspiring.

This quote sums up exactly how i felt after my 50K run. Crazy huh? I guess its the competitive side in me. I am really determined to see how far i can push myself. ahhh well i guess we'll see.

"I celebrate a victory when I start walking off the field. By the time I get to the locker room, I'm done."
-- Tom Osborne


NoGoodJohnny said...
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NoGoodJohnny said...

I have one thing in common with David Goggins, and that is the amount of sleep i get each night. His schedule is pure commitment. i never would have thought that the human body could run on only 3 hours of sleep until i've done it myself for almost a year now.

Jay said...

I can slam 3 hours a night for a few weeks and then it will start to wear on me.
The guy is amazing.

NoGoodJohnny said...

so, when you had the idea "i want to run". How did you start? did you start with distance or stick to a time limit. and how many days a week.

Jay said...

I have been running on and off for years. It wasn't until a few months ago that i up and decided i wanted to challenge my self with running. At this time i had been running between 3 and 5 miles. For whatever reason i set out one day with a small back packed filled with water and food and i ran. At 8 miles i felt bullet proof. At 14 miles I felt woozy. At 17 miles my hips were hurting so bad that walking was almost impossible but i kept shuffling on. I stopped at 23 miles. My hips hurt so bad i could barely walk. I weighed 198 at the time. At that point i realized i had some potential and it was just a matter of training properly. So i started training 3-5 days a week running distances ranging from 5-8 miles at first to 24 miles 3 weeks before my first 50k. I haven't had pain in my hips since that one time.