Sunday, December 21, 2008
Coopers Rock trails
By the time i was done with my run i was standing outside my car stripping off all my clothes before i got hypothermia, comical yes i know. I was laughing because anyone with in a 5 mile radius was blinded by my pastey whit butt running around my car to unlock the doors. Oh what fun it is to run on a on person trail. FUN.
"Constant forward motion is the key to finishing anything life throws at you"
Monday, December 15, 2008
Trail Running
****Hillary challenged me to a race in the summer.......its on.... i just have to pick one.
I was going to wait until Jan to start my big training for the 50 mile run but after todays run i think my body is ready to start. The plan is going to be two races between now and March. The next two are
-The last chance marathon in Feb that takes place in Oh
-50mile run in Va on March 28* (I'm already signed up for this)
Matt talked about pacing me for the last 20 miles which would be great if his little girl ankles can hold up, lol.
I will post again soon, happy trails!
"I am as hard as a diamond in an ice storm"
--Ricky Bobby
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Run for the Diamonds review
-First, My apologies on not writing in a while. I had another workout after my last post and then went hunting, lol. So i have been away
The race was incredible from start to finish. Literally the last 1.5 miles of the race was filled with hundreds of people. At some points especially at the end of the race both sides of the road had people 6-10 deep cheering the runners on.
My brother did an awesome job. You know for not thinking he is much of a runner he runs pretty well. We both ran negative splits which was a first for me and Adam as well. I finished the race at 71:55 and Adam finished around 70:30 ish.
I don't want to ruin the suprises the race hold for those who potentially want to run it but between running against a ton of Canadians and the suprise from mile 2-3.25 you won't be disappointed in running this race, i promise. My brother and i have already talked about hammering out this race again next year. Great job Adam, keep running.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Treadmill workout
Today i looked at several more 100 mile races trying to narrow 1 down. The thing is want to make sure i balance myself out to were i have enough time from the 50 mile race in march to the 100. I would love to get two 100 mile races in this year but that may be pushing it. The biggest thing i am focusing on right now is running at least 3 marathons and maybe 5 ultras this year. Kind of a lofty, I know, but certainly attainable. Happy running.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Trail running in the snow
When his friend came we warmed up with a slow downhill jog for about a mile then stretched and hit the trail. Its awesome at one point in the run you have the option to hit this trail with a 50% grade that lasts for about 3/4 of a mile. I asked the boys if they wanted to try and do and they both said OH YEAH! So off and up we went. They took off up the hill for about 10 feet and realized this isn't a typical hill, lol. Its actually a technical trail for even a seasoned trail runner so they began to walk. About 1/4 of a mile up i turned around to see them huffing and puffin but not giving up. So naturally i had to egg them on a little and i said, "Boys you know this is what rocky was doing to get ready to fight the Russian?" They both started hooten' and hollering. When we finally reached the top they were both pumped but covered in snow. We finished up with some pretty flat trails to the end. This is what running is all about. Going out with out a care in the world and running for the love of it. And its even more awesome when you get to share it with someone special.
At times running can feel like a chore and i dread this. Othertimes my running builds memories. Memories of sights, sounds, smells, feelings, and emotions. There has never been a time that i regretted going for a run but there have been countless times i regretted not taking the opportunity to run. If you have a moment take the opportunity to run and take someone special with you to make it more memorable.
"Run the race as if to win the prize...."
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Trail runs
I ran for about 45 minutes and felt great. I wore my La Sportiva crosslites and they were awesome. I was running up and down hills faster than usually on wet leaves and wet rocks without slipping. This is the most impressed i have been with the shoes since i bought them a few months back. I am going to hit a few more long runs (over 1.5hrs each) on the trails using these shoes just to see how far i can push them. I figure this will be good training for an upcoming 9 mile run that i will have. Guess we will see, lol.
"Fatigue makes cowards of us all.."
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Screw apathy
0-1.5miles - 12 minutes
1.5-2.5 - 7:35 minutes
2.5 - 3.5 - 7:00 minutes
3.5 - 4 - walk
push ups
pull ups
40 minutes total. I would have went longer but i had to pick up my kids. I think it was great though. Any longer and i may have gotten annoyed. Ah well. I will post more later.
The difference between 1st and 2nd place is only one step...
The apathy bug
I have been doing some plyometrics but i do need to hit some running speed work. I am just in a small rut and all its going to take is one trigger to get me fired up. Hope you all have a good day i will write again soon.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Marshall University Marathon review
Miles 1-5
I had to pee real bad and to make matters worse now my stomach was turning. I was in the middle of huntington and i didn't think people including the racers would take to kindly to me using some bushes. I don't know something about seeing a shiny white butt on a cold morning would make me a little queezy so i didn't want to subject anyone to that, lol. I felt good and the volunteers kept the atmosphere buzzing. I noticed my hands where very swollen at the start of the race and i just figured it was the weather.
Miles 5-11
I was still cruising along acting like i "owned" this course but my bowels were convincing me otherwise. At mile 11 i found a little bridge next to some trees pee'd for what seemed like 28 minutes. At around mile 12 i was releived to see a port o jon. I picked up my pace and ran in there only to discover.........sweet Lord......No TP!!!!!!! Feeling defeated i just kept running.
Miles 11-17
My stomach was gurgling so bad that i was having shooting pains in my stomach that seemed to trigger painful shocks to my legs. At mile 17.......yes another jon.....and it had TP! After a few minutes i was ready to tackle this marathon. I ran out of the port o jon and realized my legs weren't working the way they were before i sat down, lol. My feet were on fire and i hadn't talked to anyone since 7am. I was getting bored very bored and i was starting to focus more on pain then on my run.
Miles 17-21
WALL what wall. I think everyone makes up this crap to keep the common folk away from this sport.
Mile 21.5
Oh that wall!!!!! My legs stoped working and i can't figure out why. I changed my running style because the blisters on my feet where burning like crazy and because of this now my hips screaming at me. To top it off looked down only to see two blood soaked streaks on my shirt exactly where my nipples are. Man this marathon is "violating" me. Holy crap the wall.
Miles 21.5-26.2
Keep going. Quit being a baby and keep running. I couldn't help but remember that there are people who have run 25 miles of a marathon only to have there bodies shut down at the last mile. I read an article in "Mens Health" about Marathons and the damage they do to people internally. As you can read my mind was playing all sorts of crazy tricks on me and i just kept feeding into it.
The last 200yds was on the Marshall football field which was nice soft of my feet. FINISHED 4hrs 16 minutes.
All in all it was a beautiful run with very scenic spots. It was probably a perfect pick for a first marathon and one i would highly recommend to others in the future. Very smoothly run and very well organized. I didn't accomplish my goal of doing it in under 4hrs but i did complete it and that was my other goal. Happy running.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I haven't posted much over the last week because i have been trying to get my self caught up in school, the army, wrestling, and running. Holy crap i can multitask, lol.
One of the craziest feelings is thinking about how lazy i have been. Last week after my "injury" i took 3 days off. I ran another 7 then took a few days then ran a 5 this past monday. I took tuesday off ran for 10-15 minutes on wednesday followed by 15 minutes of plyometrics. I took thursday off and today i will be going another 10-15 minutes.
I feel so inadequate taking all this time off. I talked to a friend has been running for years about this feeling and apperantly its quite normal. Man does it suck though. My next post will be sunday or possibly monday. Talk to you all soon.
What motivates you....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
"Whats the matter Lloyd? Philly break your heart?" "No it was a girl."
Harry and Lloyd
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
4hrs....i am going to break 4hrs.
"See it, believe it, live it, breath it."
Monday, October 20, 2008
Anyway, so today i did a small run and, dare i admit this, i did it on a treadmill. I ended up running for 60 minutes on a 2% grade at 7 miles an hour. After 34 minutes i jumped up to 7.5 miles an hours and finished just at 7.25 miles. I really could have gon for another few hours but i had to pick up my daughter. All in all it was a good run minus the blisters acting up on my feet again. In the middle of my run I decided that with all the other people on treadmills around me i was not going get off my treadmill until everyone else did first. This included everyone on the elypticals too. When i had 15 minutes remaining i wasn't going to count anyone who got on at this time. The longest anyone lasted was 20 minutes, lol. I kept thinking about Dean Karnazes running on a treadmill for 48 hours straight and it really made my 1hr feel so little, lol. All in all it was a good run though. I wanted to sit in the schools sauna for a while but it was closed. Ahhh well. I am not going to write much tonight but i hope you all have a good night.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
On long runs the first thing to fatigue is my mind, seriously, followed by my feet. My mind will play tricks on me so quickly when i run that literally it constantly tries to pursuade me that failing is the best option. When running trails and roads at the same time i use Nike Pegasus, this is probably my favorite shoe but it wears out so fast on me. When running roads i use Brooks Adrenaline 6s but i have heard they work great on trails too, and when i run technical trails i use La Sportiva. I prefer support over cushion.
I keep thinking about 100 one less then it possible for me?
What do you do when the odds are stacked so high against you that winning seems impossible. What do you do with adversity? Have you ever stood before a giant with a sling and a stone? Have you ever hit "the wall"? It doesn't need to be running but at anything in life? Do you run from challenges or towards them? Giving up is so easy and honestly is so much more practical. Guess what.....the decisions you make right now will/can effect the rest of your life.
The above link is to an awesome fighter that still pumps me up before a workout. Enjoy.
2 Weeks until the Marathon...........woop woop
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I had a new pair of wicked socks on and my feet blistered up after just a few miles. It sucked bad, but i kept thinking of something Dave Goggins said during the 06' badwater race. To summarize it was something to the effect, "It didn't matter if i stopped and changed my shoes my feet were still going to hurt no matter what, so why stop...", pretty awesome. I have some spots that i need to tape for the marathon. I am glad i found them now and not during the marathon.
I averaged 8:40 to 8:45 minute miles which is right on course for the marathon pace i was shooting for. Granted i am not the fasted guy out there but i pride myself on being consistant and persistant.
"Risk everything, or gain nothing"
--Geoffrey De Charny, 1358
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well i am about 2.5 weeks out from the Huntington Marathon. I don't know if i stated my goal at all. I have had alot of people emailing me with questions and advice so i don't remember if i stated it outloud yet or not.
My GOALS for this run are:
1) Finish
2) Finish in 4hrs or less
This is a lofty goal for my size but i believe its realistic. I just can't jump out of the gate to fast, ya know.
I recieved a message asking about how much and how long when i decided to start running again. Well I figured i would post it here because its good info, i think anyway.
A few months ago i was really getting down on myself with how i looked and it is still a struggle. I decided to start running to lose weight---big mistake. When you run to loose weight you start to focus more on the scale and the mirror than you do the running, at least i did. So i set small goals for myself. "Today i am going to run 5 miles instead of 3." "Today i am not going to stop and walk the "big" hill." I started to focus more on other goals and weight started coming off. The scale didn't show it to much but my clothes fit different. So next I decided on my 29th b-day to run a 10K. I didn't realize how far i had let myself get out of running shape until i did this race. After the race I felt like garbage and started to get really depressed about getting older. All i kept thinking about was, "I am going to be 30 soon and my life feels like its going no where." I was in Barnes and Noble and happend upon a book, "UltraMarathon Man, confessions of an all night runner" by Dean Karnazes. I literally couldn't put the book down. I hammered the book out in 2 days and decided, "today i am going to change". Not because of the book, not for other people, not for people to pat me on the back, not for people to be in awe cause i puff my chest out and declare "i am a runner and i run far". No, it was for me. So quitely i started running. Not really saying anything to anyone.
My first "big" run was what i like to call my cleansing run. At the time i hadn't been running anything over 5 miles at a clip and i up and decided, "screw this, dean ran 30 miles being out of shape i am going to run at least 20 being in shape." I ended up running 23 miles just for good measure and to prove to myself that i still have some grit and drive left. Since that time i have run 4-5 runs that were over 20 miles each and ran a 50k race. I can honestly say the 50K run was the best run i have ever had. I hurt but i wasn't broken. There is a bible verse/prayer that kept popping into my head that alot of Army Rangers use during ruck marches. I actually prayed it while i was running. "Lord help me to Run and not grow weary and if i need to walk help me to walk and not grow faint". My mind was off running and the pain and i really enjoyed trail.
So this is where i am.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
--Thomas Jefferson
Monday, October 13, 2008
Last night i stumbled across a web site that amazed me. I am going to post the site. Its not very often i stumble across a site that motivates and depresses me at the same time. Motivates because i realy believe, no matter how korny this may sound, each one of us has greatness in us we just need to find it. Depressed because i realized this guy has done more in his life in such a short period of time then i may ever do. He literally does more in one day of training then i do in a week training. It is just amazing what the human body can endure and keep going. I think we have only recently to tap into the human body's potential. Reading about and listening to him is truly inspiring.
This quote sums up exactly how i felt after my 50K run. Crazy huh? I guess its the competitive side in me. I am really determined to see how far i can push myself. ahhh well i guess we'll see.
"I celebrate a victory when I start walking off the field. By the time I get to the locker room, I'm done."
-- Tom Osborne
Sunday, October 12, 2008
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."
-- Vince Lombardi
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I started this blog site as a way to keep me motivated and persistant in my ultimate goal of running 100 miles straight. My upcoming race schedule looks like this:
- Nov 2, 2008 The Huntington Marathon in Huntington, Wv
- Thanksgiving day Race for the Diamonds (9 miles) in Berwick, Pa
- March 28, 2009 Bel Monte 50 mile race in Va. This run will be a potential qualifier for my ultimate race goal of 100 miles.
I am sure there will be other races between now and march, but as of now this what my schedule looks like. I am going to track my progress using this blog site. I ran dozens of 5Ks, 10Ks, 9 mile, and 1/2 marathons since the age of 12. I am 5'8" and range from 190-200lbs. I don't fit the typical "look" of a runner, heck i don't even dress like a runner when i run. I don't have Nike running shorts(I do need a pair), instead i usually wear baggy mesh shorts. I don't wear special wicked shirts. I don't have the best running shoes. I don't even own a heart monitor. I don't run for vanity or a pat on the back. What i do run for is to loose myself. There is nothing like falling into, what i can only describe as, a rhythmic meditation. I don't worry about a job, school, family, or life. I enjoy running.
After reading a book, don't roll your eyes, by Dean Karnazes I realized that I just might have the potential to forever change me. I decided to run beyond a marathon. These runs are called Ultra Marathons because the distance is anything beyond 26.2 miles. So about 3 1/2 months ago I decided to commit myself. I contacted my brother Jude, who happened to be the only person i know that ever ran an Ultra, and asked all sorts of advice. The seed was planted and now it was time to make it happen. No more short cuts, no more easy way out. If i am going to do this I have to put the time and energy into it. Well with that said, I ran my first ULTRA on OCT 6, 2008 and i posted about it as my first post which you can read below. I learned a LOT about myself past, present, and future. I can honestly say it changed me.
As i may have stated earlier the ultra running community is small but dedicated. I have found that most are intraverted but we can function in an extraverted enviroment. I have not found a nicer more friendly group of people while running, ever! So whether your running, training, looking to do either or you just want help out please do. I am always looking for advice, hoping to motivate, and constantly trying to make myself better. Please post or email me questions, comments, or concerns. I am going to leave you with a quote that is darn near every trail runners thought. I don't know who the original quote is from but it is one of my favorites. My most spiritual life changing moments have come while running, especially in the woods.
"I would rather be in the mountains thinking about GOD than in church thinking about the mountains"
Friday, October 10, 2008
One of the great things about running and/or long distances is that i can eat almost anything i want guilt free. I don't but just to know i can is a good feeling.
I am running the Huntington Marathon Nov. 2. If anyone one who reads this is planning on being there let me know. I have a little posse going already but the more the marrier. Time for work. Have a great day.
The reason for the blogs are to keep me motivated and dedicated to the sport i love. Running for some is painful even masochistic. For some its an escape, a time to meditate, a time to explore, a time for change, or even a time to dream but, for me, i literally "loose" myself. I will think and explore myself through discipline, pain, and patience. One of my favaorite sayings is "IF YOU RAN WITHOUT SACRIFICE, CONGRATULATIONS. YOU JUST JOGGED."
My first ULTRA
I really didn't eat food but this is was my oral intake looked like
6 liters of water
2 Gel packs
1 pack sport beans
10 S-caps
3 ibuprophen
At the aid stations i had
1 cup of coke
2 cups of water
6 cups of Heed(not even sure what this is)
3 cups of Mt. Dew
With 1/2 mile left in the race i felt my blood sugar drop dramatically. I got sick to my stomach and i got real shakey feeling. Strangely though i wasn't in pain. My feet eventually went numb(i would have stopped and taped them if the race was any longer) I had no pain in my knees or hips. I have read numerous articles about people actually having hallucinations from running distances ranging from marathons straight on up to 100 milers. I didn't have this but i will tell you i kept hearing people breathing as they ran up behind me. Every time i would move aside to let them pass there was no one there, lol. Ah well it was a fun time and i am already mapping out my next one. Hope you all have a great day thanks to everyone for your the advice.